This page is an index and is part of a Major Arcana Health Reading with the Thoth Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by mistake you may prefer Interactive Online Tarot or if you looked for a Major Arcana Health Reading with the Thoth Deck try a search; everything has tags so search for “health,thoth,major arcana” and you should find what you want.
Well-Being, Physical Health Or Mental Health
Health matters are one of the big three questions most readers get from their clients, friends, and even themselves. There are many tarot cards that will guide you on strengthening immunity and improving health or understanding past present and future health issues. Your well-being and mental health can also benefit from reading the cards. The tarot can also be used with the major arcana or the suits to give very detailed readings on health matters, Aces in a health reading indicate new beginnings.
In order to achieve and maintain good health we also need to have a healthy energy and be working with our spirit guides. This way lies the path to a well-adjusted successful and healthy life. Nourish and balance your mind, body and spirit, and you won’t go far wrong as regards your health. Your Health Tarot Reading is simply one way to connect with the spirit world so let the cards guide you.
Timing: When a card from the Major Arcana appears before a timing card, this indicates that the major event has already is past and the influences of the card impact on it.
- 00-The Fool Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 01-The Magus Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 02-The Priestess Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 03-The Empress Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 04-The Emperor Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 05-The Hierophant Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 06-The Lovers Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 07-The Chariot Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 08-Adjustment Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 09-The Hermit Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 10-Fortune Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 11-Lust or Strength Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 12-The Hanged Man Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 13-Death Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 14-Art Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 15-The Devil Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 16-The Tower Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 17-The Star Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 18-The Moon Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 19-The Sun Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 20-The Aeon Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 21-The Universe Upright Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 00-The Fool Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 01-The Magus Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 02-The Priestess Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 03-The Empress Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 04-The Emperor Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 05-The Hierophant Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 06-The Lovers Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 07-The Chariot Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 08-Adjustment Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 09-The Hermit Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 10-Fortune Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 11-Lust or Strength Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 12-The Hanged Man Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 13-Death Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 14-Art Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 15-The Devil Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 16-The Tower Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 17-The Star Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 18-The Moon Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 19-The Sun Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 20-The Aeon Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading
- 21-The Universe Reversed Thoth Health Tarot Reading

The magnificent Thoth Tarot Deck contains the Kabbalistic and astrological attributions described in Aleister Crowleys Book Of Thoth. It is known for its striking beauty, as well as its depiction of an understanding of the occult that was gathered over a lifetime of study. In 1773 Antoine Court de Gébelin claimed that Egyptian priests coded the Book of Thoth into the images of the tarot.
If a Major Arcana card appears in you reading, heres what you need to know:
Major Arcana cards show up when things are happening that pull us towards a certain destiny or path. Many Major Arcana cards in a reading is often a sign that our Spirit Guides and Angels are working behind the scenes to set everything up for us so that we can live the lives we are destined to live. While the Minor Arcana cards focus on the everyday actions and decisions you must face, these Major Arcana cards reveal messages about the bigger picture of your life and its long-term direction. A major arcana card represents an energy that is deep, strong, decisive or long-term. When a major arcana card appears in a reading, you have tapped into a powerful energy in some area of your life. The minor arcana cards do not carry the same weight, but they are still important. They chart the ups and downs of daily life and register changes in feelings and thoughts. These dramas are gripping while they occur, but they pass with time as new concerns take their place.
The major arcana are signposts to things, events, and people, that are meant to be taken more seriously and looked at more closely, in general, than the minor arcana cards will generally represent.
Timing: When a card from the Major Arcana appears before a timing card, this indicates that the major event has already is past and the influences of the card impact on it.
This index hold a link to all pages for a Health Tarot Readings Thoth Tarot Deck Major Arcana. You will find many more tarot readings pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. Please see our book suggestions below.
Here are some short extracts from my favorite books to give you a feel for the book.
Book Details
Angel Insights : Along with your physical body, you also have an energetic body. And just as you do regular maintenance on your physical body (get a massage, complete a spring detox, have your hair cut) you need to also perform regular maintenance on your energetic body. An excellent way to keep your energetic body light and vibrant and healthy is with cord cutting.
Angel Insights : Your guardian angels want you to take in this phrase for a few moments: the power of prayer. You don’t need to be strong, healthy, rich, grateful, or popular to harness the power of prayer. Much like superheroes in comic books have special abilities, prayer is your supernatural power. Prayer enables you to address the heavens, to summon your angels. Prayer is your magic wand, and when you wield it you wield nothing less than the power to change the world.
- Do get in touch if you looked for Health Tarot Readings Thoth Tarot Deck Major Arcana and you don’t see what you want. We would be more than happy to help. In the meantime do try our many interactive tarot readings online.
Angel Insights : Your guardian angels want you to take in this phrase for a few moments: the power of prayer. You don’t need to be strong, healthy, rich, grateful, or popular to harness the power of prayer. Much like superheroes in comic books have special abilities, prayer is your supernatural power. Prayer enables you to address the heavens, to summon your angels. Prayer is your magic wand, and when you wield it you wield nothing less than the power to change the world.