Aleister Crowleys Thoth Tarot deck where he first described the tarot meaning of each card in detail with all the other attributions Crowley intended. The 78 cards were painted by Lady Frieda Harris according to instructions from the occult scholar, Aleister Crowley. The magnificent art deco work contains kabalistic and astrological attributions.
- Family Reading Thoth Tarot Deck
- Finance Reading Thoth Tarot Deck
- Health Reading Thoth Tarot Deck
- Love Reading Thoth Tarot Deck
- Spiritual Reading Thoth Tarot Deck
- Work Reading Thoth Tarot Deck
Crowley originally intended the Thoth deck to be a six-month project aimed at updating the traditional pictorial symbolism of the tarot. However, due to increased scope, the project eventually spanned five years, between 1938 and 1943.
- Cups Reading Thoth Tarot Deck
- Disks Reading Thoth Tarot Deck
- Major Arcana Reading Thoth Tarot Deck
- Swords Reading Thoth Tarot Deck
- Wands Reading Thoth Tarot Deck
Crowley was not only an initiate in esoteric subjects, he was also a novelist, poet and essayist, and throughout his life he wrote eighty books, most of them dealing with magic , cabala , esotericism , yoga and, specifically, a large part of them about his Magic system, and about the philosophy/religion that he founded…
- Tarot Horoscope Aquarius Thoth Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Aries Thoth Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Cancer Thoth Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Capricorn Thoth Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Gemini Thoth Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Leo Thoth Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Libra Thoth Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Pisces Thoth Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Sagittarius Thoth Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Scorpio Thoth Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Taurus Thoth Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Virgo Thoth Deck
Thoth Suits are: Wands, Cups, Swords, Disks