Love Tarot Readings (Salem Tarot Deck,Patens)

This page is an index and is part of a Patens Love Reading with the Salem Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by mistake you may prefer Interactive Online Tarot or if you looked for a Patens Love Reading with the Salem Deck try a search; everything has tags so search for “love,salem,patens” and you should find what you want.

Romance, Love Or Relationships

A very common modern use of the tarot is to help clarify issues that are on your mind. The most common areas of concern by far are love, relationships and romance. What’s in the cards for your love life? Everyone likes to know where their love lives are going, what will happen to their romantic relationships, and if they will be happy. In a Love Tarot Reading, the major arcana, associated with major influences and events in your life, often play the most important role. Aces in a love reading indicate new beginnings.

Directing your love reading to another: Think of a person you love. Next think of a person for whom you have no strong feelings. And then also think of a person who challenges you, or you have difficulty with, or cannot easily get on with. As you think of these people direct your words thoughts towards each in turn. Visualise energy flowing to the person you are contemplating.

Timing: When looking for time sensitive answers, Patens generally means very slow, meaning months or even years.



    With deep rich colors, subdued by subtle shades of red/orange, the overall look is dark as you would expect from a deck loosely designed to reflect the witch periods of Salem. The Salem Tarot is a deck of magic and destiny. Within its 78 cards lies the souls path from birth to death and beyond. It’s uses pagan and medieval imagery and each card has subtle flashbacks to the times of Salem and the witch trials.

    If a Patens card appears in you reading, heres what you need to know:

    The Suit of Patens covers material aspects of life including work, business, trade, property, money and other material possessions. The positive aspects of the Suit of Patenes include manifestation, realisation, proof and prosperity. Patens deals with the physical or external level of consciousness and thus mirror the outer situations of your health, finances, work, and creativity. They have to do with what we make of our outer surroundings – how we create it, shape it, transform it and grow it. On a more esoteric level, Patens are associated with the ego, self-esteem and self-image. The negative aspects of the Suit of Patens include being possessive, greedy, overly materialistic, over-indulging and not exercising, not effectively managing, finances, being overly focused on career

    Practicalities, work, home, fertility,family, prosperity,education, manifestation, business.

    Timing: When looking for time sensitive answers, Patens generally means very slow, meaning months or even years.

    This index hold a link to all pages for a Love Tarot Readings Salem Tarot Deck Patens. You will find many more tarot readings pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. Please see our book suggestions below.

    Here are some short extracts from my favorite books to give you a feel for the book.

    Complete Book of Tarot
    Book Details
    Complete Book of Tarot: Dinars (gold coins), which became the pragmatic Pentacles, Disks, or Coins of today’s tarot.

    Tarot Books

    Angel Insights : The angels are guiding me to tell you that if you ever again feel the emotions or energy of others making you frazzled, take stock of your emotional/energetic boundary. The angels are showing me a picture of a piece of cloth that has holes in it, like Swiss cheese. At any time, you can close your eyes and picture the current state of your emotional/energetic boundary. Is it healthy—sturdy, smooth walls of cloudy mist? Or are there patches and holes in the boundary where it has been worn down lately? If it’s looking like Swiss cheese, think back over recent events and see if you can locate some situations or people that may have drained you more than you realize. You might need to take a little break from these situations or people, and also do some self-care. Don’t forget to ask the angels to do a little repair work on that emotional/energetic boundary too!

    Angel Insights : If you find that your angels like to speak to you through images they place in your mind, you could always open communication by sending the angel realm a mental image that expresses your question or situation or desire. If you hope to conceive a child, for instance, picture yourself pregnant with a large belly. Then perhaps the angel realm will send you an image of the time of year this will occur: a dark, snowy winter afternoon or a bright, flowery spring morning, for example. Or you might be shown a month from a page of a calendar. Or you might see an image of yourself in a doctor’s office, perhaps signaling that there are some fertility issues you need to address with a healthcare professional before you will be able to conceive.

    • Do get in touch if you looked for Love Tarot Readings Salem Tarot Deck Patens and you don’t see what you want. We would be more than happy to help. In the meantime do try our many interactive tarot readings online.

    Angel Insights : If you find that your angels like to speak to you through images they place in your mind, you could always open communication by sending the angel realm a mental image that expresses your question or situation or desire. If you hope to conceive a child, for instance, picture yourself pregnant with a large belly. Then perhaps the angel realm will send you an image of the time of year this will occur: a dark, snowy winter afternoon or a bright, flowery spring morning, for example. Or you might be shown a month from a page of a calendar. Or you might see an image of yourself in a doctor’s office, perhaps signaling that there are some fertility issues you need to address with a healthcare professional before you will be able to conceive.