30 The Roadrunner Spirit Guide

Upright Meanings: boredom, feeling trapped, rebirth, confined, uncertainty, lack of direction, self-limiting, reversal, change, needing release, improvement, suspension

The Roadrunner card indicates that you are in a situation that you are not happy with. You may be feeling like you are stuck in a rut or trapped in a situation or frame of mind that is not making you happy but you have the power to release yourself. This may involve walking away from the situation or simply changing your perspective on it. The Roadrunner may also signify that you may be facing a dilemma and are unsure of what path to take. You may feel that things are not turning out the way you planned with this major card appearing in your spread. You need to step outside yourself and look at your situation from a different angle. Give yourself time to just relax, stop trying to control things and just let them be, the correct course of action will become clear to you in time.

Reversed Meanings: discontentment, useless sacrifice, false prophecy, unwillingness, impulsiveness, apathy, disinterest, stagnation, negative patterns

The Roadrunner reversed can indicate that you are being impulsive and making rash decisions as a way to distract yourself from some sort of inner discontentment. This major card generally shows that you may be jumping from one bad situation to the next without considering where this behavior is taking you. Ask yourself if there are feelings you trying to avoid confronting or changes that you know need to be made but are reluctant to tackle. If there are, consider what you fear will happen if you do? If you genuinely don’t know what to do in terms of your direction in life, just stop, breathe and wait for things to become clearer. However, if you know your behavior patterns are not working for you, change them. Your attitude towards your life will determine life’s attitude towards you!