34-Queen of Wands Reversed Thoth Work Tarot Reading

This page is part of your work tarot reading with the Thoth Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Queen of Wands specifically try The Queen of Wands Thoth Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Career, Work Or Retirement:

When The reversed Queen of Wands appears in a reading about work, there may shortly be frustrating obstacles and delays that you will be up against. It’s important to not take these personally; just work through them one moment at a time. There may be an older, light haired woman in the workplace (or who is in the position of hiring, if you are looking for work) who is throwing up obstacles. Don’t get frustrated about it, just show her the rational reasons why she needs to do things your way (or hire you.) Do this and you could be more successful than you imagine.

Card Meanings: Infidelity, Liar, Vengeful, Unfriendly, Deceitful, Catty, Manipulative, Jealous, Overwhelmed, Temperamental, Unfaithful, Spiteful, Exhausted, Low Confidence/ Self-Esteem/ Self-Belief, Demanding, Trouble-Maker, Pushy, Burnt Out, Bully, Self-Righteous, Overbearing, Revengeful, Malicious, Busybody

The Queen of Wands is one of the most fertile (metaphorically and literally) and feminine/womanly energies in the deck. In a reading she can often signify a literal person in our lives, most often female, and most often with hair tending toward the lighter shades in the spectrum. The Queen brings good energy, and is a positive sign to receive.

This reading is part of a work tarot reading using the The Queen of Wands using cards from the with the Thoth Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Portable Magic
Book Details
Portable Magic: Concerning the role of his wife, Moina, in the reception of the occult teachings of the Secret Chiefs, Mathers revealed that he had specifically asked the Secret Chiefs that she be permitted to help him in his work, presumably because she possessed psychic gifts that he found quite useful. She was known in the Golden Dawn by her Latin motto Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum, or on a more familiar level simply as Vestigia. Mathers wrote: ‘At my urgent request, Soror Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum was allowed to be associated with me in this labour, but only on condition of pledging herself in the same manner, though in a less degree’ (Howe, 128). The pledge mentioned by Mathers consisted mainly in doing whatever the Secret Chiefs demanded without question, and also remain

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Reversed Cards: The Queen of Wands is normally a vibrant and charismatic ruler. She is socially engaged and is known to charm her way around a room. But not today. Instead, she is withdrawn and lacking her usual, seductive spark. Here in the blocked aspect, the queen’s fire is not getting enough oxygen, so instead of burning constant and bright, it is struggling to even flicker. You might experience this feeling in your life as lack of energy or enthusiasm or as not being able to connect to something with passion. The key is to stop striving and keep still, for just like the Queen of Wands, your spark will eventually ignite and rise all on its own.

Tarot Triumphs: There are leading questions that arise about the origins and evolution of the Tarot, in relation to the search to understand whether the cards arose by accident or intent, and what meaning may be embedded in them. Was Tarot created with intentional esoteric significance, or did it evolve into being considered significant in this way? Was it a product of a ‘teaching school’ or of the folk imagination? Did the Marseilles style of Tarot emerge by accident or by design? Were Tarot cards used for divination right from their earliest appearance? No one can deny that the cards have been used for fortune-telling, but some people question how far back that tradition stretches, and whether the Triumphs have any genuine philosophy embedded in them.

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Reversed Cards: Here in the mirror aspect, we get to see both sides of the Judgment card. We get to explore its deeply healing energy as well as its painful physical and mental repercussions. The mirror aspect of this card allows us to see the duality that is presented in all moments of clearing and healing. The way we acknowledge past stories, hurts, and pain says a lot about how we embrace new ways of thinking, feeling, and doing. It is in this position that we begin to learn how to become an observer of our experience rather than a judge and juror, which, in essence, is what this card is truly all about. For when we stop judging and start observing, we let go of our need to blame, shame, and guilt, both ourselves and others. In many respects, the mirror aspect of this card is a great teacher offering you the opportunity to see yourself not as your deeds but as a divine being capable of wondrous things.