52-Three of Swords – Upright Thoth Deck

Your Chosen Card – Three of Swords Upright Thoth Deck

When upright, the Three of Swords suggests that you are confronting some type of separation, loss, severing of ties, or suffering that will lead to important realizations about your emotional life and aid you to grow in wisdom. This card depicts ‘stormy weather for the emotions.’ You may need to deal with feeling alienated, cut off, disappointed, grief-stricken, or alone. Because Swords are a mental and conflict-laden suit, you may be involved in disputes with friends or loved ones. A hoped-for meeting with someone you care about may not materialize. Sometimes this card points to a need for surgery, either for yourself or for someone close to you. When all is said and done, the suffering and unhappiness implied by this card offer an opportunity for a fresh start.

Keywords Upright: Necessary separation, beneficial severance, detachment, surgery, absence, grieving in order to heal, the joy of release from sorrow, insightful but stormy weather for the emotions, attainment of wisdom through suffering.

Timing: 10 Libra–20 Libra. Tropical, 3 October–12 October. Sidereal, 27 October–5 November.
Astrology: The stern taskmaster Saturn (exalted) in the second decan of airy Libra, also the realm of the Queen of Swords (Water of Air) and Justice (Libra). Saturn is linked to the World.
Number Symbolism: 3 – fertility, creativity, a triadic relationship, the first fruits of a joint venture.

Crowley/Thoth: Sorrow, unhappiness, breakups, tears, secrecy, perversion.

When Three of Swords is upright you can pretty much take it that life is going well but that’s when life takes us by surprise.  If Three of Swords is unclear it may help to choose a card from the Major Arcana to provide more insight into what it is Three of Swords is trying to tell you.  If you had a particular issue in  mind, or want to seek clarification on something else, you can also choose again to get more guidance.

This chosen card is part of your upright card reading for Three of Swords using cards from the Thoth Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Complete Book of Tarot
Book Details
Complete Book of Tarot: When upright, the Three of Swords suggests that you are confronting some type of separation, loss, severing of ties, or suffering that will lead to important realizations about your emotional life and aid you to grow in wisdom. This card depicts ‘stormy weather for the emotions.’ You may need to deal with feeling alienated, cut off, disappointed, grief-stricken, or alone. Because Swords are a mental and conflict-laden suit, you may be involved in disputes with friends or loved ones. A hoped-for meeting with someone you care about may not materialize. Sometimes this card points to a need for surgery, either for yourself or for someone close to you. When all is said and done, the suffering and unhappiness implied by this card offer an opportunity for a fresh start.

Tarot Books

Creative Tarot: As you can see, there is much to draw on from the tarot in the artistic process. What interests you in the cards will be something unique: something about you and your interests, or maybe something I miss entirely in this book. But there’s no right way and no wrong way to use the cards. There are all sorts of different points of inspiration that come from the deck.

Complete Book of Tarot: Offering professional advice. Tarot readers should stick to reading the cards with the intention of empowering clients to clarify their thinking and make their own well-informed decisions. Tarot consultants should not offer advice about matters requiring professional expertise such as medical treatment, legal matters, financial planning, investment counseling, psychotherapy, etc. Such issues must be taken to an appropriately trained professional. Even if the tarot reader happens also to be a doctor or lawyer, the tarot reader should stick to interpreting the cards in an ethical matter. The act of offering professional advice changes the relationship so that the querent becomes the doctor’s patient, the lawyer’s client, and so on; then the tarot reader is subject to the ethical standards of his or her profession.

  • Do get in touch if you looked for Three of Swords and we don’t have it listed. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for more online tarot information!

Tarot Triumphs: First, I take note of my reactions. The Magician appeals to me. I do not like the Devil (who does?), but I must accept his right to be here. The aim in the Fool’s Mirror system of Tarot is to accept the validity of all the cards and understand the rightful place they have in the pack. The Emperor looks very severe and has a degree of impenetrability. Having noted my reactions, I now want to go beyond them, to see their energies at work with each other, so I employ a few questions to help me: