Your Chosen Card – Ten of Chalices Reversed Mage Deck

When reversed, the Ten of Cups highlights family problems, domestic disruptions, and a sense of sadness in the home. There can also be a certain amount of strife and tension in other personal relationships. You may be experiencing a lack of a sense of fulfillment or a failure to achieve your hearts desires; or else you have gotten what you want but you find it lacking. There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Crowley says of this card that having got everything you wanted, you realize that you did not want it after all, and now you must pay the piper.
Keywords Reversed: Satiety, lack of fulfillment, indignation, strife, discontent in ones family or social life, quarrels, disturbance, ingratitude, disrupted ties, a fly in the ointment, dissatisfaction with what you thought you wanted after you finally get it.
Timing: 20 Pisces30 Pisces. Tropical, 11 March20 March. Sidereal, 3 April13 April.
Astrology: Assertive and warlike Mars in the third decan of watery Pisces, the last ten days of winter and also the realm of the Queen of Wands (Water of Fire) and the dreamy Moon (Pisces). Mars is linked to the Tower. The heat of the red planet Mars in this last decan of Pisces brings winter to a close and ushers in the first day of spring.
Number Symbolism: 10 – one too many, the fullness of completion, readiness to begin a new cycle.
Ten Of Cups: Repose Of The Heart
When Ten of Chalices is reversed you can pretty much take it that life is going well but that’s when life takes us by surprise. If Ten of Chalices is unclear it may help to choose a card from the Major Arcana to provide more insight into what it is Ten of Chalices is trying to tell you. If you had a particular issue in mind, or want to seek clarification on something else, you can also choose again to get more guidance.
This chosen card is part of your reversed card reading for Ten of Chalices using cards from the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Portable Magic: Lay the Ten of Swords just to the east of the Emperor so that the head of the card points eastward, and its base touches the head of the Emperor. Lay the Ten of Wands in the south so that its head points southward and its base touches the top of the Chariot. Lay the Ten of Cups in the west so that its head points westward and its base touches the head of Justice. Lay the Ten of Pentacles in the
Reversed Cards: I for one quite enjoy Mercury retrograde cycles, as I see them as a time of retrieval. I imagine Mercury dashing back to his cosmic office to get all that I need to make my dreams and wishes come true. I see him seeking out all the connections, resources, and people I need to bring my goals into the physical world. To achieve my goals, I work with the Magician in the reversed position a lot. Next time Mercury is about to do his backward slide across the sky, try this spell and see if you can find a way to make his energy work for you and not against you.
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Reversed Cards: If you are seeing this card in the blocked aspect, then there is a very good chance you are dragging your heels about getting back to your life. Your reasoning doesnt matter. You are resisting getting your mental energy flowing again. The brain, like your muscles, needs to be exercised regularly or it too can become flabby, dull, and sluggish. A dull mind is never a good thing, and keeping it blocked will only hinder you as you try too move forward.