60-Princess of Athames – Upright Salem Deck

Your Chosen Card – Princess of Athames Upright Salem Deck

Princesss represent children or young people, new learning experiences, the beginning stages of things, and messages coming to the querent. When upright, the Princess of Swords is a perceptive young person who quickly connects the dots to construct theories about what is happening. His ability to plan mentally and to cut to the chase makes this Princess especially adept at any type of work requiring secrecy, discernment and keen mental planning. He would be a formidable opponent in a game of chess. This page values his ability to think independently, but sometimes his sharp words or abrupt manner of communication are experienced as hurtful by those around him. Sometimes this card appears when one is dealing with unwanted news or upsetting messages.

Keywords Upright: intelligent, alert, lithe, curious, perceptive, vigilant, secretive, subtle, clever with words, discreet, observant, independent, good at keeping secrets, analytical, strategic, quick thinking, resolute, easily connects the dots; unexpected or astonishing news, a remark or opinion, a spy, a keen observer, analysis, clarity, secret service, mental planning.

Decans/Timing: Astrology associates the element Air with autumn.
Astrology: Earth of Air. The Princesss (Princesses) have no zodiacal attribution but represent four types of ‘elemental’ people.

Crowley/Thoth: Princess of the Rushing Winds. Lotus of the Palace of Air. Dexterous, clever, strong, aggressive, firm, subtle, cunning, frivolous, vengeful, destructive. The traits displayed depend on the dignity of the card.

When Princess of Athames is upright you can pretty much take it that life is going well but that’s when life takes us by surprise.  If Princess of Athames is unclear it may help to choose a card from the Major Arcana to provide more insight into what it is Princess of Athames is trying to tell you.  If you had a particular issue in  mind, or want to seek clarification on something else, you can also choose again to get more guidance.

This chosen card is part of your upright card reading for Princess of Athames using cards from the Salem Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Complete Book of Tarot
Book Details
Complete Book of Tarot: in possession of the gypsies since the time when they were driven from their ancient temple. 4

Tarot Books

Complete Book of Tarot: The first card shows five youths engaging in spirited competition, mirroring quite closely the situation that prompted her to ask for a reading. The second card depicts a young farmer pausing to reflect on his crops (the seven pentacles) and making plans for the future direction of his efforts. The third card, the Page of Swords, sometimes appears when the querent is expecting or dealing with unwelcome news or advice. This Page is highly intelligent, clever, and resourceful. The tarot seemed to be saying that this student was indeed confronting stiff competition and would need to plan her future moves carefully, using all her intelligence and mental resources. After pondering this interpretation, she asked to draw another card to clarify the implications of the Page of Swords, and she selected the Three of Pentacles.

Complete Book of Tarot: In tarot literature, you will find dozens of not-so-factual claims about the cards. This section will examine some of the common myths about tarot. By ‘myths’ I mean assertions which are neither verifiable nor grounded in firm evidence. The following tarot myths appear in no particular order.

  • Do get in touch if you looked for Princess of Athames and we don’t have it listed. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for more online tarot information!

Complete Book of Tarot: … the meaning of divination cards changes over time, shaped by each era’s culture and the needs of individual users. This is partly why these decks can be so puzzling to outsiders, as most of them reference allegories or events familiar to people many centuries ago. Caitlín Matthews, who teaches courses on cartomancy, or divination with cards, says that before the eighteenth century, the imagery on these cards was accessible to a much broader population. But in contrast to these historic decks, Matthews finds most modern decks harder to engage with.’ 10