Upright Meanings: willpower, creativity, intellect, self-confidence, influence, sleight of hand, power, logic, resourcefulness, ability, skill, will-power, dexterity
The Mystic is about making higher and better use of all of one’s power. Spiritual, emotional, and otherwise. This is another card that often signifies new beginnings and great expectations. This is a very powerful, positive omen in a reading. This card reminds us that we have the power to make a difference, in our lives and in the greater world, if we simply make a point to try. You should note that this is not magic in the sense that you need to do spell-work or anything of that nature. It’s also not ‘magic’ like a stage illusionist performs, which is the somewhat superficial appearance of wondrous feats. This is actual transformation of the literal and figurative world in normal ways. You are not going to have it all handed to you on a plate, but you have the potential to have that plate and a lot of what’s on it if you do the magic yourself. The Mystic is all about action. If you do nothing you’ll get nothing. If you don’t know what to do then just do something because anything is better than nothing. In other words if you don’t try you won’t get.
Reversed Meanings: insecurity, delay, cunning, unused ability, greed, lack of self-confidence, unimaginative, manipulation, untrustworthiness, conniving, trickery
Even when reversed, The Mystic is about making higher – and better – use of all of one’s power. The reversal, however, can indicate that one is hesitant about making the necessary changes in order to use their power in a more spiritual and more effective manner. Consider what it is that you are afraid of. Is it that others may not like the new you? You are right, they may not. However, this is no reason to not step into who you really want to – and are meant to – be.