Your Chosen Card – Seven of Cups Upright Rider Waite Deck

When upright, the Seven of Cups highlights the importance of sentiments and images that come to mind during moments of reflection and contemplation. Such imaginings may reveal our wildest desires but they may not be grounded in reality. Many possibilities seem available, making it difficult to decide which path to follow. At some point we must stop daydreaming, soberly assess our options, and make hard choices. Otherwise we risk wandering in a state of confusion or unreality, like the fictional character Walter Mitty.
Keywords Upright: Images of reflection, imaginings, daydreams, fantasies, visualizations, possibilities, illusionary choices, a multitude of options, scrying, visions seen in the glass of contemplation.
Timing: 20 Scorpio30 Scorpio. Tropical, 13 November22 November. Sidereal, 6 December15 December.
Astrology: Lovely and affectionate Venus (debilitated) in the third decan of watery Scorpio, realm of the Knight of Wands (Fire of Fire) and Death (Scorpio). Venus is linked to the Empress.
Number Symbolism: 7 – assessment, reevaluation, standing at a threshold, seeking advantage.
Rider Waite: Strange chalices of vision, but the images are more especially those of the fantastic spirit. Divinatory Meanings: Fairy favors, images of reflection, sentiment, imagination, things seen in the glass of contemplation; some attainment in these degrees, but nothing permanent or substantial is suggested; (R) desire, will, determination, project.
When Seven of Cups is upright you can pretty much take it that life is going well but that’s when life takes us by surprise. If Seven of Cups is unclear it may help to choose a card from the Major Arcana to provide more insight into what it is Seven of Cups is trying to tell you. If you had a particular issue in mind, or want to seek clarification on something else, you can also choose again to get more guidance.
This chosen card is part of your upright card reading for Seven of Cups using cards from the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
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Creative Tarot: Which brings us to today. There have been many successful tarot decks since the Rider-Waite-Smith, like the Aquarius deck and the Morgan-Greer, both developed in the 1970s when the New Age movement started to gain mainstream acceptability, but almost all have followed the illustrative choices that Smith made. Its all but impossible to overstate her importance in how we use and think about the tarot today.
Complete Book of Tarot: The meaning of a tarot card depends entirely on the intuition and sensitivity of the reader.
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Tarot Triumphs: The Fool (or Jester) and the Magician are strong candidates for jongleur figures for obvious reasons of clowning and performing magic tricks. So is the Hanged Man, taking my preferred interpretation of him as an acrobat demonstrating his balancing tricks. Strength, the woman taming the lion, could be linked to the female jongleurs of the travelers’ bands, whose acts included animal taming. The World, a scantily clad dancer, is also a possibility. Death appeared in similar guise in play-acting and spectacles of the time, particularly in the Dance of Death scenario, so he could have been part of jongleur repertoire. And perhaps a toppling Tower and a rotating wheel might have been part of the props, or, at the very least, a feature in the stories and plays offered. The Wheel of Fortune could have been a gambling game, offered at shows just as people still pick out lucky numbers from a revolving drum at fairs today. The cultural memories of jongleurs and their performances would be likely to linger on after their high point of fame and provide atmospheric, recognizable images that would work well in the Tarot mix. At any rate, whether jongleurs played a part as folk memories, popular performers, or even creators of the first Tarot cards, I put them forward for consideration in the early history of Tarot. The vernacular also brings us more to the heart and spirit of Tarot; although its history and imagery place it among the nobility as well, I believe Tarot embodies a folk culture that may have been there all along and was not just a place where Tarot ended up in later centuries.