05-The Hierophant Upright Rider Waite Family Tarot Reading

This page is part of your family tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Hierophant specifically try The Hierophant Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Family, Friends & Relationships:

This is also a card that is very much about spirituality – everything from traditional religion to earth-centered spirituality and any other spiritual notion that you can conceive of. There may be a tension between your idea of spirituality and the ‘right thing’ and the ideas of others around you. Stand up for your own beliefs. The ‘rules’ and the ‘system’ of doing things are probably playing a major role now. Rituals of any sort will be helpful to you now, even if it’s just ‘a movie with friends every third Saturday.’

Card Meanings: Beliefs, Bonded, Conformity, Religion, Marriage, Commitment, Conventional, Traditional Values, Mercy, Traditional Institutions, Inspiration, Social Approval, Forgiveness

The Hierophant is very much about ‘doing the right thing.’ You may be struggling with an issue and are unsure about what is ‘right’ for you to do. Know that the answers are within you. Remember that the ‘right’ thing is what is right for you also.

This reading is part of a family tarot reading using the The Hierophant using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Complete Book of Tarot
Book Details
Complete Book of Tarot: Reading for children. Minors have special legal protections that need to be respected. In some cases, tarot may be regarded with suspicion because of the family’s cultural background or religious beliefs. In offering readings for children, the tarot consultant must be especially careful to respect the laws of the state and the rights of the parents. Sensitive issues such as bullying or abuse may come up in readings; the consultant should be prepared to take appropriate measures to protect the child. The choice of a tarot deck is also important. Some modern decks have adult themes, including frontal nudity or depictions of violence that may be inappropriate for children or objectionable to their parents. Several whimsical decks geared especially toward children are available, such as the Snowland Deck by Ron and Janet Boyer and the Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee and Kipling West.

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Complete Book of Tarot: Myths/Archetypes: The prophet Moses. Pontifex Maximus. Hierophant. High Priest. The deity’s spokesperson. The Holy of Holies (which housed the Ark of the Covenant and the Ten Commandments). Emily Post. The Wizard of Oz.

Tarot Triumphs: Last, but by no means least, there is the vexed question of whether ‘prediction’ is possible or advisable. You might think that this would come first in the considerations because divination usually involves some kind of forecasting. It is a is a tricky issue; for thousands of years theologians, philosophers, and diviners have argued over the nature of the future and free will. Where can we take a stand on this? I cannot deliver an authoritative judgment here, but I suggest that if you are drawn to Tarot, or indeed any form of divination practice, you already accept the idea of looking ahead, as well as at the past and the present. So unless you want to sharpen your wits by arguing your case with the naysayers, I recommend that you focus instead on the philosophy implicit within the cards and the Fool’s Mirror layout as an integrated emblem of past, present, and future. Divisions of time may not have such tight boundaries as we tend to think. And to put this into practice, making sure that any prognostication doesn’t sound too fateful, you can focus on the future cards as indicators of what may happen if the current situation is allowed to develop in the way that it’s going now. The outcome as witnessed in the cards may therefore not be inevitable.

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Tarot for Beginners: Upright, the religious figure of The Hierophant can signify the benefits of identifying with tradition and practical wisdom. It can also indicate that you are about to embark on a new opportunity that will bring you closer to your soul’s purpose. Now is a good time to take advice from someone you trust, perhaps a mentor who can help you resolve a challenge.