59-Ten of Swords Reversed Thoth Work Tarot Reading

This page is part of your work tarot reading with the Thoth Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Ten of Swords specifically try The Ten of Swords Thoth Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Career, Work Or Retirement:

This card may indicate that there are serious problems in your workplace. This doesn’t have to be the end of the world (or the end of your job) but ignoring these problems will not make them go away. You have reached the point where you can now see what is best for you, your thinking is clearer. Take some quiet time to decide what your next moves are. Is it really best for you to stay where you are? If looking for work, you may be looking in the wrong places. Rethink.

Card Meanings: Surviving Disaster, Being Saved, Courage, Positive Energy, Worst Is Yet To Come, Good Health, Relapse, Things Getting Better, Being Beyond Help, Total Ruin, Pulling Yourself Together, Learning From Past Hardships, Fears Coming True, Over The Worst, Escaping Ruin, Despair, Rising Above Problems/Haters/Bitchiness

The Ten of Swords does carry an unpleasant connotation, but it is also not necessarily the end of the world. When it appears, however, it is a clear signal to be careful about where you put your trust.

This reading is part of a work tarot reading using the The Ten of Swords using cards from the with the Thoth Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Portable Magic
Book Details
Portable Magic: During Tarot magic all of the tarot cards lie flat, or nearly so. Each card has a three-dimensional astral projection, and these are visualized as upright rectangles of light that float in the air above the tarot cards that lie beneath them. For practical purposes, during rituals it is best to imagine yourself standing upright upon an enlarged version of the significator card, rather than trying to become the human figure illustrated on the surface of the card, or looking out through the figure’s eyes. Think of the card as a kind of rug that lies flat on the floor of the astral place of working, decorated with the image of the court figure, and imagine that you stand upright on the rug.

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Creative Tarot: It is important, however, not to freak out if the final outcome card looks tough, like the Tower or the Ten of Swords—something that would seem to indicate failure. Look, failure is part of the creative process. No one wants to hear that, but it’s true. Great writers have burned manuscripts they’d worked on for years, great painters have hacked apart canvases they didn’t like. No one really wants to keep going on a project if he suspects it’s all going to be a waste of time. However, many times it’s not the outcome that’s important but the lessons learned along the way. And just because a project doesn’t end in publication or worldwide success, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth doing. And hey, we’ve all seen Oscar-winning movies and read Pulitzer-winning books and thought, This is terrible! This is a failure.

Tarot Triumphs: The Fool (or Jester) and the Magician are strong candidates for jongleur figures for obvious reasons of clowning and performing magic tricks. So is the Hanged Man, taking my preferred interpretation of him as an acrobat demonstrating his balancing tricks. Strength, the woman taming the lion, could be linked to the female jongleurs of the travelers’ bands, whose acts included animal taming. The World, a scantily clad dancer, is also a possibility. Death appeared in similar guise in play-acting and spectacles of the time, particularly in the Dance of Death scenario, so he could have been part of jongleur repertoire. And perhaps a toppling Tower and a rotating wheel might have been part of the props, or, at the very least, a feature in the stories and plays offered. The Wheel of Fortune could have been a gambling game, offered at shows just as people still pick out lucky numbers from a revolving drum at fairs today. The cultural memories of jongleurs and their performances would be likely to linger on after their high point of fame and provide atmospheric, recognizable images that would work well in the Tarot mix. At any rate, whether jongleurs played a part as folk memories, popular performers, or even creators of the first Tarot cards, I put them forward for consideration in the early history of Tarot. The vernacular also brings us more to the heart and spirit of Tarot; although its history and imagery place it among the nobility as well, I believe Tarot embodies a folk culture that may have been there all along and was not just a place where Tarot ended up in later centuries.

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Reversed Cards: Cups can be a moody suit, and this little page is more than capable of having emotional angst. If you have received this card in the shadow aspect, then you are letting your emotions get the better of you and your current situation. In fact, there is a good chance that you are letting them block the answers or solutions you are trying so desperately to find. In the shadow position, you may even be using this blockage to play victim. Remember, allowing yourself to be pulled under by your emotions helps no one. Instead, it leaves you feeling alone, confused, and even more overwhelmed than ever.