40-Five of Primordialism Reversed Mage Health Tarot Reading

This page is part of your health tarot reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Five of Primordialism specifically try The Five of Primordialism Mage Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Well-Being, Physical Health Or Mental Health:

As with the upright card in this context, It’s critical that you keep a positive attitude. If you just ‘can’t get over’ what someone ‘did to you’ or what happened in your past, now is the time to get help in resolving these issues, before you cause yourself serious damage/pain by dwelling on your past. Forgiving other people is not for their benefit; it’s for your own.

Card Meanings: Hope, Letting Go Of Grief, Letting Go Of Regret Or Guilt, Summon, Healing, Accepting Help, Overcoming Despair, Return, Moving Forward/ Moving On, Forgiveness, Re-Joining The World, Releasing Emotions, Letting Go Of Sorrow, Releasing Emotional Baggage

The Five of Primordialism is another card which reminds us that where we put our focus in life has a great deal to do with the quality of our lives and how well they work for us. What are you going to choose to focus on?

This reading is part of a health tarot reading using the The Five of Primordialism using cards from the with the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

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Angel Insights
Book Details
Angel Insights : Whenever you are visiting a healthcare professional in their non-hospital office or small clinic, or are receiving a healing service of any kind, please know there is a healing helper angel present. Wherever there is healing, there are angels. But it can be very reassuring for people who are entering a hospital as a patient, people who are visiting a loved one in the hospital, or folks who work at a hospital to know that they are surrounded by angels specifically assigned to that hospital. Hospitals can be chaotic places where decisions sometimes have to be made very quickly, where life-and-death procedures are performed daily, and where diagnoses that are serious and may come as a shock to the patient and their families are routine. Therefore hospitals can be especially anxiety producing to the people inside. Knowing that Spirit’s invisible guardians are all around can do a lot to put those staying, visiting, or working in a hospital at ease.

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Reversed Cards: If you have drawn this card in the protection aspect, be grateful because right now you are not able to go charging off into a situation, project, or goal that will only suck up all your time, energy, and money. Not all goals are meant to be conquered, and not everything needs to be accomplished right this second. Instead, you are being asked to take a step back and really see the bigger picture. There is a chance that you have been too close to your target, and you have lost not only perspective but also objectivity. Pause now instead of charging forward into a disaster.

Tarot Triumphs: We are about to meet the Tarot Triumphs in the guise of a triumphal procession. These processions were popular in fifteenth-century Italy, somewhat similar to carnival parades as we recognize them today, providing a form of street theater with exotic performers and floats passing by. They were accompanied by music and dancing, and enjoyed by people of all classes. But the triumphal processions also had a more exalted purpose, as they included tableaux that portrayed allegorical and cosmological themes. This was a type of renaissance effort to depict the world in all its glory, embracing both sacred and secular knowledge. All this was revealed, often to celebrate weddings or feast days, in a succession of magnificent emblems, a burst of color and spectacle. The triumphal processions also embodied the notion of ‘trumping’; each successive figure or display in the procession trumped the one that came before it in terms of moral superiority, spiritual value, or just the social order of the day. It had its roots in earlier Roman parades, where a virtue trumped a vice, Death trumped worldly success, and an emperor trumped a slave, for instance.

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Tarot for Beginners: It is important to remember that reading the Tarot is a task of intuition. While this guide provides general card interpretations along with two common types of readings, consulting the Tarot isn’t as simple as reading a book. The meaning of each card in relation to the place it sits in the spread isn’t always going to be straightforward or simple, and the difference between interpretations for upright and reversed isn’t always clear cut, as each can be thought of as representing a different angle of the same theme.