38 The Archangel Azrael – Reversed

What do reversed cards/card strength mean?

Archangel Azrael, meaning ‘one whom God helps,’ helps humans during the transition from earth to heaven. Archangel Azrael can calm and comfort the dying, smooth the transition from this life to the next, or help grieving loved ones cope with their loss. Azrael can also help you through the grieving and transition process of any type of loss: job, romantic, financial, etc.

The Archangel Azrael

Belonging to the REALM: Heaven of Form, The Archangel Azrael is in the group known as Archangels.
ANGELIC FUNCTION: Azrael’s chief role is to help people to cross over to heaven at the time of physical death, assisting them with the transition. If you have lost someone, you can call upon him to bring you comfort and support. He will also assist with healing the heart and can also help us to sleep better at night and put our minds at ease when worried, lonely or stressed.
GIFTS FOR THE EARTH: Azraels message is: Do not fear death, or any other type of loss, for it is but the start of another life. And do not fear for loved ones who have passed, for they are in the timeless embrace of Spirit. All reunions are possible and will happen at the appointed hour. Until then, await a reunion with your departed loved one patiently, but do not wait to love again.

The archangel Azrael is one of the arch angels whom we all know in one form or another. Often known as the Angel of death, Azrael’s role is to aid with death. Souls that become lost or need of guidance are his wards. As are those here on Earth who are struggling with the loss of someone they loved. Don’t mistake Azrael to be the bringer of death. He doesn’t cause it or wish it but helps in the instances where it has happened.

He is described as The Angel of Death, but this is a good thing. He comforts families and friends whose loved one passed. For the passing, he helps them to the light. He offers a lot of compassion and wisdom, and is here to also remind us that we have much to live for even after death.

His energy is calm, comforting, patient and understanding. His words are softly spoken. You can call on him for medium sessions, or if you need help after you’ve lost a loved one. Usually, he will bring both the spirit and the living relative/friend to a medium that will be the bridge of closure.

if you believe in the dark side it is thought that Azrael interferes very firm as a protector, especially against the dark spirits staying at the border between worlds and against earth bound spirits coming from deceased people with a low vibration. It is suggested that, for protection purposes, Azrael works with Michael. they also work as a team offering protection to you while you are in psychic sessions or difficult places.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Angel Insights
Book Details
Angel Insights : Other soul contracts you might have are with some of your helper angels, who agree to step in at certain predetermined points in your life when you have a need for their particular area of discipline. You may have a soul contract with an archangel if your soul purpose has a particular need for that archangel’s specialty. Likewise I think you can have soul contracts with some of your spirit guides and ascended masters.

Angel Books

Elements of the Psychic World: Psychics believe that dreams are a way to gain access to the higher realms and often one of the quickest and easiest ways to begin communicating with your spirit guides, angels and higher self.

Angel Insights : Archangel Azrael, meaning ‘one whom God helps,’ helps humans during the transition from earth to heaven. Archangel Azrael can calm and comfort the dying, smooth the transition from this life to the next, or help grieving loved ones cope with their loss. Azrael can also help you through the grieving and transition process of any type of loss: job, romantic, financial, etc.

  • Do get in touch if you need more information about The Archangel Azrael and we don’t have it. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for another angel reading!

Angel Insights : Have you ever had a child enter your life? Perhaps your own child or the child of a family member or close friend. Do you recall how it felt to hold that infant in your arms? To notice how small and delicate it was? To sense the sacred charge that comes with realizing how much this precious little being needs your affection, guidance, and protection? That is how your guardian angels feel about you. Not just when you were a baby, but when you are an adult in your prime, as you mature into the final days of your life, and every stage in between. Your guardian angels’ sense of duty toward you is not a job, but a calling. Like a mother, their calling is a labor of love.