34-Queen of Wands Reversed Rider Waite Family Tarot Reading

This page is part of your family tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Queen of Wands specifically try The Queen of Wands Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Family, Friends & Relationships:

Card Meanings: Infidelity, Liar, Vengeful, Unfriendly, Deceitful, Catty, Manipulative, Jealous, Overwhelmed, Temperamental, Unfaithful, Spiteful, Exhausted, Low Confidence/ Self-Esteem/ Self-Belief, Demanding, Trouble-Maker, Pushy, Burnt Out, Bully, Self-Righteous, Overbearing, Revengeful, Malicious, Busybody

A woman represented by the Queen of Wands will be a strong person, forthright and sometimes painfully honest. She’s experienced, capable and determined. She makes a reliable and trustworthy friend, and a very worthy adversary. The day ruled by the Queen of Wands is going to be one where women are dominant. So we need to split up these influences, depending upon whether you are affected as though you WERE the Queen of Wands, or influenced BY the Queen of Wands. Let’s take the first one – where you feel as though you are acting as this Queen. If so, you will be in dynamic mode. You may well find that your opinion is requested – please remember that, since this Queen is forthright and sometimes downright outspoken, it’s as well to consider what you say!! And don’t offer your opinion if it hasn’t been asked for!!

Be prepared for your inner reserve of strength to be called upon by other people. Be generous with your compassion and caring with your attention to other people. Often people who turn to you during this day will be in trouble, needful of guidance and support. If you feel you are influenced BY this Queen, you may need to turn to her for advice or back-up. Remember, she’ll say precisely what she thinks! And she won’t tolerate somebody who is dithering about. So if you feel indecisive, a different confidante might be a preferred option! However if you need somebody who is going to empower you, she is entirely perfect! There is one other option for working with this card which is more abstract, and would not include an actual person – and in this case, the energy flowing will be strong, direct and powerful. Engage with all your might! You’ll be very pleased with the results you obtain.

This reading is part of a family tarot reading using the The Queen of Wands using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Elements of the Psychic World
Book Details
Elements of the Psychic World: Former priory and home of the poet Lord Byron, located in Nottinghamshire, England, that is said to be haunted by several ghosts. The priory was built around 1170 for the Order of St Augustine and was bought in 1540 by Sir John Byron who turned it into a mansion. It remained the Byron family home for three centuries. According to superstition, turning a religious house into a house for secular use is a recipe for misfortune and over the years the Byron family experienced more than its fair share of bad luck and declining fortune.

Try our Love Horoscopes: Gemini and Sagittarius Match

Portable Magic: She has already selected the Queen of Wands as her own significator. The senior editor in charge of book illustrations at the publishing house is a man in his sixties. Mary knows little of his background, having only talked to him a few times over the phone and exchanged several emails with him, but she knows that he is artistic and well-educated, quiet spoken and cheerful. For his significator she selects the King of Cups.

Tarot Triumphs: The second time we encounter the Triumphs as a sequence is in chapter three, as a set of cards rather than a moving tableaux. Here you can find keynote descriptions and interpretations of each card, accompanied by thumbnail images. These serve to set up the basic meanings of cards for Tarot readings.

  • Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for The Queen of Wands Rider Waite Family Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout Pathway to Spirit.

Reversed Cards: It is not surprising at all to find out that our card of spiritual mentorship is ruled by Venus, the planet of love. At the heart of all faith is love. In fact, love is the very energy that created all things on the material plane. Without love, you would not exist. None of us would. Yet here in the retrograde aspect love is not something you are feeling. Maybe because when Venus is retrograde, her cohort’s energy tends to move to the forefront. Mars, the god and planet of harvest and farming, shows you exactly what seeds you have sown. Chances are you are not happy with them. They have not bought you the happiness, success, and joy you had been hoping for. Instead, they have brought with them more suffering and conflict. Lucky for you, Mars was nice enough to show you. Now you have time to plant new seeds, weed out your spiritual garden, and get it all ready for Venus’s return. Keep your thoughts and feelings on higher spiritual concepts of compassion, kindness, peace, equality, and temperance. Remember that Venus will bless what you give and bring more to you like a magnet. Allow the Hierophant to lead you down the path of higher ideals and away from the ego cycle of suffering.