51 The Bear Spirit Guide

Upright Meanings: control, balance, honor, equality, compassion, confidence, taming, bravery, righteousness, virtue, courage, harmony, inner strength

The Bear card is an important card of inner strength. It represents mastering raw emotions in order to bring calm to yourself or a situation. It is similar to the Chariot in that it represents overcoming challenges. However, The Bear card usually refers to inner challenges. Overcoming the obstacles we face in relation to our own doubts, fears and anxieties. This card indicates that you are learning to master your fears and anxieties, to be courageous and daring. You have all the skills you need to be successful, the focus now is to conquer your inner worries and believe in yourself. Take the time you need to master your emotions, be patient and compassionate with yourself and you will find a new confidence in yourself and your abilities. The Bear, as well as being representative of taming your emotions, can also represent taming someone else’s wild ways. This is not done by trying to dominate the other person but by gentle coaxing, positive reinforcement, encouragement and compassion.

Reversed Meanings: biased, unfairness, false accusation, weakness, vulnerability, self-doubt, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, abuse

When The Bear card appears reversed in your reading, it indicates that you are not tapping into the inner The Bear you have. It is does not indicate a lack of The Bear so much as it indicates that you are letting fear, anxiety or low self-esteem paralyse you. Now more than ever you need to summon your inner resolve and self-belief to pull you out of your current situation. You have The Bear you need to get over your obstacles. You have simply lost touch with it and that disconnection is leaving you feeling weak, vulnerable and lacking confidence. Focus on the positive, stay away from people who make you feel inadequate and spend time with people who build you up.