Wands or Questing Tarot

Free Online Tarot Reading Wands or Questing

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Wands are connected to Fire: energy, impulse, enthusiasm, initiative, power, action, directness, inspiration, spontaneity, dynamism, expansion, adventure, exploration, generativity, self-sufficiency, freedom.

The Fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

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The pip cards of the Wands and Swords typically represent circumstances and emotional situations with an upward outward movement (excitement, adventure, conflict, travel, expansion, relocation, departure, etc.).

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Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

LLewellyns Complete Book of the Tarot by Anthony Luis Buy the Book!

Complete Book of Tarot: When reversed, the Queen of Wands tends to be bossy and overbearing. She likes things done her way and doesn’t tolerate much opposition to her will. Her excessive pride can result in cruelty and proneness to bearing a grudge. She tends to want what she wants when she wants it and, as a result, she may not respect the boundaries or responsibilities of a committed relationship.

Tarot Books

Portable Magic: The suit of Wands is used to dominate or control others, to bring about a willed purpose, to overcome inertia, to begin any enterprise, to establish authority, to ensure that commands are obeyed, to obtain a promotion, to get a job that entails rank or authority, to have a presentation or creation accepted. In general for any purpose involving the exercise of willed authority.

Complete Book of Tarot: When upright, the Ten of Wands suggests that you have worked hard and have achieved a great deal, but now your success is weighing you down. Your sense of duty and your willingness to shoulder obligations have been assets along the way, but the time has come to delegate and share the load. Make sure that the burden you carry is not the result of deceit or falsehood. Your commitment to a job well done is admirable, but there are others who are now willing to share the responsibility for the future outcome. You need to lighten up; otherwise your workaholism will take a toll in other areas of your life.

  • Do get in touch if you looked for wands and we don’t have it listed. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for more online tarot information!

Complete Book of Tarot: When upright, the Ten of Wands suggests that you have worked hard and have achieved a great deal, but now your success is weighing you down. Your sense of duty and your willingness to shoulder obligations have been assets along the way, but the time has come to delegate and share the load. Make sure that the burden you carry is not the result of deceit or falsehood. Your commitment to a job well done is admirable, but there are others who are now willing to share the responsibility for the future outcome. You need to lighten up; otherwise your workaholism will take a toll in other areas of your life.

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