26-Five of Wands Reversed Rider Waite Family Tarot Reading

This page is part of your family tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Five of Wands specifically try The Five of Wands Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Family, Friends & Relationships:

Card Meanings: Reaching Agreements, Extreme Aggression, Suppressed Temper, End Of Conflict/ Row/ Struggle, Battle Fatigue, Intimidation, Harmony, Compromise, Lack Of Competition, War, Finding Solutions, Peace, Shyness, Order, Fear Of Confrontation, Short Fuse, New Opportunities, Generosity, Looking For An Argument, Focus, Control, Cooperation

A day ruled by the Lord of Strife is bound to have its inherent problems. This card brings restriction, limitation, frustration and annoyance with it. Often these problems will be experienced in the workplace, and they sometimes indicate that we feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks that we need to get through. Expect this day to be one in which even minor things create their own difficulties and obstacles. First and foremost, we all need to take our senses of humour to work with us!! It’s probably also useful to regard a 5 of Wands day as a ‘bad attitude’ day. That could as easily be our own as anyone else’s, as well! So, having wrapped yourself up in your sense of humour, study the workload in front of you, and leave all the things you know will drive you mad till the atmosphere is better. Try to pick out tasks that you will enjoy. That way if they frustrate you, at least you’ll enjoy the bits before and afterwards!

Assess your own attitude carefully and try to dispel any nagging negativity. Isolate anything that looks like it is an inner conflict brewing, and write it down to address soon (they all tend to come to the surface on this day). Also assess the mood of those people you come into contact with, and avoid any who seem to be having the same sort of bad attitude day as you!! That should minimise the conflict you meet. Finally, at the end of the day try hard to shed anything that you have picked up along the way. Use whatever method you find most effective to de-stress, in the hope that you’ll have a better day tomorrow!! By the way, the affirmation is designed to be hard to say – hopefully it’ll make you laugh!!

This reading is part of a family tarot reading using the The Five of Wands using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Elements of the Psychic World
Book Details
Elements of the Psychic World: Fodor thought that Ted felt misunderstood and longed to be esteemed for his writing talent. He theorized that Ted was unconsciously venting his frustrations by projecting them into aggressive poltergeist activity. Fodor explained this to Ted and suggested that if a way could be found to help him feel appreciated and valued as a person, he would have no need to express himself in such a destructive way. Fodor then took a risk by announcing that Ted was a gifted writer and that if his talent could be recognized the poltergeist activity would stop. He suggested that Ted should write his own account of what had happened, and, as expected, this had a therapeutic effect on Ted. His family gave Ted a newfound respect, and his self-esteem was boosted. Although a few more incidents happened (the psychological working-out process, as Fodor explained), they gradually stopped.

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Reversed Cards: The Five of Wands brings Saturn, the planet of restriction and limitation, into the house of prideful Leo. When this card is in its upright position, you need to focus more on discipline and order. Here in the retrograde aspect, you are free to be more creative and playful. In this aspect, the Five of Wands becomes more like a playground. This is where you can practice your skills against other skilled players without consequence. Just like baby lion cubs learn to hunt by practicing with one another, you too will need to work with others in a more creative and inspired way to sharpen your skills and get your actions aligned with your outcome.

Tarot Triumphs: We are about to meet the Tarot Triumphs in the guise of a triumphal procession. These processions were popular in fifteenth-century Italy, somewhat similar to carnival parades as we recognize them today, providing a form of street theater with exotic performers and floats passing by. They were accompanied by music and dancing, and enjoyed by people of all classes. But the triumphal processions also had a more exalted purpose, as they included tableaux that portrayed allegorical and cosmological themes. This was a type of renaissance effort to depict the world in all its glory, embracing both sacred and secular knowledge. All this was revealed, often to celebrate weddings or feast days, in a succession of magnificent emblems, a burst of color and spectacle. The triumphal processions also embodied the notion of ‘trumping’; each successive figure or display in the procession trumped the one that came before it in terms of moral superiority, spiritual value, or just the social order of the day. It had its roots in earlier Roman parades, where a virtue trumped a vice, Death trumped worldly success, and an emperor trumped a slave, for instance.

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Reversed Cards: Here in the protection aspect, you may find yourself feeling a little lost, possibly a little detached from your own life. This is normal when going through a major point of karmic expansion. It seems like things around you are getting worse, not better, and it is hard for you to hold the idea in your head that this is all for your highest good. But no one said the spiritual path was the easy path. In fact, it is one of the hardest journeys you will take. Why do you think the Hierophant sits in the very first row of the Fool’s journey? Because the lessons he teaches you will take a lifetime to learn. So if this card has shown up in your daily draw or current spread, take heart that this chaos is less random and more strategic than you might imagine. Allow yourself to stay detached and just let it all roll on by. Because the great thing about the energy of the five is that it never lasts long.