26-Five of Wands Reversed Rider Waite Spiritual Tarot Reading

This page is part of your spiritual tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Five of Wands specifically try The Five of Wands Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Faith, Spirituality Or Psychic Progression:

Card Meanings: Reaching Agreements, Extreme Aggression, Suppressed Temper, End Of Conflict/ Row/ Struggle, Battle Fatigue, Intimidation, Harmony, Compromise, Lack Of Competition, War, Finding Solutions, Peace, Shyness, Order, Fear Of Confrontation, Short Fuse, New Opportunities, Generosity, Looking For An Argument, Focus, Control, Cooperation

A day ruled by the Lord of Strife is bound to have its inherent problems. This card brings restriction, limitation, frustration and annoyance with it. Often these problems will be experienced in the workplace, and they sometimes indicate that we feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks that we need to get through. Expect this day to be one in which even minor things create their own difficulties and obstacles. First and foremost, we all need to take our senses of humour to work with us!! It’s probably also useful to regard a 5 of Questing day as a ‘bad attitude’ day. That could as easily be our own as anyone else’s, as well! So, having wrapped yourself up in your sense of humour, study the workload in front of you, and leave all the things you know will drive you mad till the atmosphere is better. Try to pick out tasks that you will enjoy. That way if they frustrate you, at least you’ll enjoy the bits before and afterwards!

Assess your own attitude carefully and try to dispel any nagging negativity. Isolate anything that looks like it is an inner conflict brewing, and write it down to address soon (they all tend to come to the surface on this day). Also assess the mood of those people you come into contact with, and avoid any who seem to be having the same sort of bad attitude day as you!! That should minimise the conflict you meet. Finally, at the end of the day try hard to shed anything that you have picked up along the way. Use whatever method you find most effective to de-stress, in the hope that you’ll have a better day tomorrow!! By the way, the affirmation is designed to be hard to say – hopefully it’ll make you laugh!!

This reading is part of a spiritual tarot reading using the The Five of Wands using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Psychic Abilities
Book Details
Psychic Abilities : We all know just how beneficial exercise is to our body, but what you might not realize is it can also help ground you and quite quickly too. One of the best things about using exercise to ground yourself is you are connecting with your physical body as you do each exercise, but you are also ridding your body of all of that extra energy flowing through it. Now when it comes to exercise we are not just talking about pushups, sit ups, or power walking, we are talking about all sorts of exercises. Yoga is a great way to ground yourself because it centers you on both a spiritual and physical level. And don’t worry if you can’t exercise, as any kind of physically activity can help ground you after working with your abilities, even just walking the dog or washing dishes, just get up and get active.

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Reversed Cards: Some people are team players. Some people are not. Maybe it’s you or maybe it’s someone you know, but if this card is showing up in the shadow aspect, you can be assured someone is stirring up trouble just because they can. Now don’t get me wrong—not everyone has to be a team player. But the Five of Wands does work much better when everyone is focusing on the same outcome. There is great potential when the energy of this card is channeled correctly, but all it takes is one person to not want the same result as everyone else and you have sabotage on your hands.

Reversed Cards: The Lovers card is in my mind one of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted cards in the tarot. For this, I blame its number association, six. Of all the cards in the tarot, the Lovers is the most romanticized. Just like a typical six, romance plays a big part in its vibration, so it is not hard to see how the lovers have been weighed down with elements that only tell part of the story. The Lovers is not so much the card of romantic love, but the card that tests your levels of commitment, loyalty, fidelity, and unconditional love. Commitment is what a six does best. It loves commitment…until it doesn’t. Then the six will run as far and as fast as possible. One could say that both the six and the Lovers can be somewhat fickle. When a six is challenged, it is because of two very distinct reasons, one being that it has overcommitted itself and created its own beast of burden. And the second is when reality has not matched up to the ideal romance inside its head. And so it is in the Lovers reversed.

  • Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for The Five of Wands Rider Waite Spiritual Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout Tarot Reader West Sussex.

Angel Insights : My brother would turn away from me and I would close my eyes. Then he would pick one of the cards and say, ‘What color card am I holding now?’ I could always guess what color he was holding because that color would flash into my mind within a few seconds of his asking the question. It was uncanny how I could always guess the correct color and my brother and I were both struck by my accuracy. Once I remember being upset because I thought he’d stumped me—or that I was losing my intuitive ability. Several times in a row I could not guess the color of the card he was holding, because I kept seeing two colors in my mind every time he asked the question. ‘I don’t know,’ I told him with my eyes closed. ‘I keep seeing two colors at once today. Right now I see green and yellow. I see both equally. I can’t make a good guess.’