57-Eight of Swords Reversed Rider Waite Work Tarot Reading

This page is part of your work tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Eight of Swords specifically try The Eight of Swords Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Career, Work Or Retirement:

Card Meanings: Healing, Oppression, Standing Up To Abuse, Paralysis, Escape, Finding Solutions/ Options, Hopeful, End Of Punishment, Relaxation, New Beginnings, Freedom, Overcome Obstacles, Release, Relief, Prison Release, Facing Fears/ Truth, Releasing Anxiety, Clear Mind, Empowered, Severe Depression, Survivor, Mental Strength, Self-Belief, Taking Control

A day which is ruled by the Lord of Interference is bound to present some difficulties. However, as with all Tarot cards, the 8 of Swords carries with it the means of dealing with any obstacles or problems which appear. The first thing to recognise is that anybody’s life has the occasional bump – we would never get anywhere if it did not. Bumps can be caused by all kinds of different things – people, our own attitudes, astrological influences…the possibilities for interference are boundless. Make sure you’re not going around in circles attempting to make a decision through a sense of duty or guilt. That often causes problems when this card is around.

Finally keep your eyes open for anyone else who may be deliberately stepping in your path. Often when somebody interferes, merely recognising what they are doing robs their actions of any power over us. However – whatever the source of the problem is, the message of the 8 of Swords is clear. Don’t rush to fight with things that are not currently going your way – you’ll almost certainly fail. Go and find something else to do instead. There will be a better time to deal with the things that are in your way today. Don’t waste your energy hacking away at something that may be better cleared up tomorrow. Don’t frustrate yourself by banging on a door that just will not open. Rely on the idea that things will ease off, and that you will deal with them better for not having wasted hours on them today! In readings, the Eight of Swords is often a sign that you are heading toward (or already in) a situation in which you will feel a lack of freedom and choice. Such situations are tricky because the more you get into them, the more restricted you feel. At each step, your options seem to narrow until you feel completely stuck.

This reading is part of a work tarot reading using the The Eight of Swords using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Development for Beginners
Book Details
Development for Beginners: Today, Dr. Virtue has achieved international recognition for her work concerning the realm of angels. Moreover, her goal is to teach as many people as she can how to listen to and interpret the communications we receive from our angels.

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Creative Tarot: Of course, half the reason we think or say things like that is because we want someone to rescue us. To dust us off, and tell us how smart and important and talented we are. Or we want someone to tell us what to do, so that we don’t have to take responsibility for our own decisions. It’s an understandable response to failure, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good place to stay stuck. The only thing to do when you have the Eight of Swords is to save yourself. No one else is coming for you. You have only yourself to rely on. So it’s either save yourself or quit entirely. Which is it going to be?

Reversed Cards: What to do with tarot reversals is one of those topics that comes up a lot in tarot lessons, groups, and conferences, yet not a lot of people know what to do with an upside-down card. Which, to be honest, is fair enough because there really isn’t much in the way of literature about upside-down, topsy-turvy reversed cards. They get touched on very loosely in most tarot companion books, and there are only a handful of tarot books dedicated to reading the cards any other way but up. No wonder people are often left scratching their heads. Some people choose to ignore these cards altogether and just turn them right-side up. Some just start their readings all over again in the hopes that no upside-down cards will make their way into the reading or spread. It doesn’t help that hardly any decks are actually designed with reversals in mind. I should know—I searched high and low for cards that were designed to be read just as clearly upside down as they were upright.

  • Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for The Eight of Swords Rider Waite Work Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout Tarot Reader Norwich.

Elements of the Psychic World: Throughout history clairvoyance has been used and cultivated by prophets, fortune-tellers, witches, and seers of all kinds. Some were gifted naturally with clairvoyance while others learned how to develop it through training. In the 1830s the first scientific experiment to study clairvoyance was conducted on psychic Adele Maginot, and impressive results were achieved. Tests for clairvoyance of concealed cards began in the 1870s with French physiologist Charles Richet, and Richet’s work was taken further in the 1930s by American parapsychologist J B Rhine. Rhine developed a special deck of symbol cards to