23 The Rebel

No matter what god or higher power you believe in, we are all part of a collective consciousness, both in this world and the next. Whether your reading comes from tarot, angels or archetype cards we are delving into that collective consciousness. If you are present with a psychic or clairvoyant who has strong connections, you may be connected to individuals but more likely you will be communicating with part of this universal energy which connects us all. Much of the connection comes through our own energies and this is particularly true of online readings.

Upright Meanings: go against the flow, champion, risk-taker, strong man, single-minded, impatient, assertive, intellectual, rebellious, focused, soldier, jump in, perfectionist, forward-thinking, honest, clever person, ambitious, hero, seize the moment, quick-wit, direct, big changes/ opportunities, brave, daring, impulsive, courageous, talkative, braver, arrival/departure

Reversed Meanings: go with the flow, rude, criminal, aggressive, forceful, dangerous, left behind, heading for a fall, follower, coward, insincere, tyranny, know it all, vicious, hurtful, sarcastic, troublemaker, out of your depth, leading others to danger, missed opportunities, arrogant, out of control, a crafty, bully, self-obsessed, tactless, unfocused

The world is often made better by people that rebel but sometimes the answer lies elsewhere. A decision has to be made as rebellion almost always comes with consequences. Ask for guidance if you feel you have backed yourself into a corner. If your card is reversed perhaps you may want to consider if the timing is right and perhaps whether the reason for your rebellion is justified. Sometimes our aim is to hurt or lash out but often we are only hurting ourselves.

The angel associated with The Rebel is The Archangel Metatron

Belonging to the REALM: Heaven of Form , The Archangel Metatron is in the group known as Archangels.
ANGELIC FUNCTION: Recorder of the Book of Life and scribe for all our deeds
GIFTS FOR THE EARTH: He helps us to find the proper measure for all we do; he acts as witness to the good we do and the love we give; he helps us realize our potential as loving and worthwhile human beings.

Metatron is the only angel within the heavenly spheres who was once human. He was known as Enoch and was the seventh Patriarch after Adam. It was written that he ‘walked with God’ and was taken up into Heaven where he was made an Archangel. There is speculation in Jewish scripture that he is the Shekinah, the angel who led the children of Israel out of the wilderness. It is thought too that it was Metatron who stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac to God.

Metatron is also known as the first and last of the Archangels and is variously called the Chancellor of Heaven, the Angel of the Covenant and the King of the Angels. His heavenly function is to supervise the recording of all our deeds in the Book of Life.

He is charged with sustaining human life and acts as the bridge between the Divine and mankind. We can seek counsel from him by asking him to help us find the proper measure for every action we take in our lives. At one level this means helping us find the balance between what we give out and what we keep for ourselves. This enables us to maintain well-defined boundaries and thus keep a clear sense of self, so necessary if we are to succeed in fulfilling our potential within the world of form.

Metatron can help us find the proper measure in love, work and recreation so that we live balanced, healthy lives, rich in harmony and serenity. He will also be a witness to the good we do, perhaps those acts of love or kindness not recognized by others. He can also help us when we have put effort and toil into making something work, whatever it is: it could be anything from trying to make a relationship work, losing weight, or giving up an addictive or damaging habit, to throwing ourselves fully into a cause or team effort.
We can pray to The Archangel Metatron to guide our efforts and to help us find the right measure for our output and activities. We can ask Metatron in our meditation to assist us in knowing when ‘enough is enough’, or when we need to do more for ourselves or others.

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Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Angel Insights
Book Details
Development for Beginners: Negative: aggression, dominance, quick temper, intolerance, rebellion, stubbornness, and brutality.

Angel Books

Complete Book of Tarot: Myths/Archetypes: Adam and Eve. Eros and Psyche. Cupid’s arrow. Abelard and Heloise. Romeo and Juliet. Dante and Beatrice. The Lover. Don Juan. Casanova.

Angel Insights : No matter how an angel appears to you—in human form or in a divine state—angels tend to manifest in physical form to us at pivotal moments. Angels can materialize in life-and-death situations when you need assistance (an angel might save you from drowning or dying in a car wreck—sometimes in these cases you will not see the angel, only feel their hands pulling you to safety). Angels might show up at a crossroads in your career (an angel in human form might give you wise counsel and encourage you to pursue a certain path, or an angel with wings might appear as you are typing away on a book, signaling you have a potential career as an author). Angels may come around when you desperately need to know you are loved (an angel in human form might visit you like Clarence visited George Bailey and convince you that you are precious and important). Angels may offer their services when you require comfort or courage (an angel in human form might pray with you or hold your hand in a hospital waiting room).

  • Do get in touch if you need more information about The Rebel and we don’t have it. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for another angel reading!