25 The Angel Of Power – Reversed

What do reversed cards/card strength mean?

The Angel of Power is depicted as a swirling mass of energy between the mythical horse Pegasus and a huge whale. One symbolizes transformation of earth-bound matter into spirit; the other the enormity of natural creation. The acorns show that even the smallest kernel has the power for growth and creation.

The Angel Of Power

Belonging to the REALM: Heaven of Paradise , The Angel of Power is in the group known as Thrones.
ANGELIC FUNCTION: To transform God’s love into material form
GIFTS FOR THE EARTH: This angel can help you to accept the power of the Source; acknowledge your own power for transformation; accept the collective power of humanity for change.

The Angel of Power brings us closer to a realization that the power of God lives within each of us. It is our individual work to realize this truth in ourselves and to acknowledge its power. The Angel of Power is there to facilitate this realization and to bring us closer to oneness with the Source.

The power of God’s love can be realized as a spiritual concept or experienced as a living reality. The more we make this awareness a living experience, the more we bridge the gap of separation between ourselves and our fellow beings. It is left to each individual to come to know and trust the power within him. The Angel of Power offers us the help we need to make this realization possible.

We can offer up prayers to The Angel of Power to clear our minds of all negativity, which blocks our discovery that God lives within and is not an externalized projection separate from ourselves.

The Angel of Power offers many different ways through which we can come to know the power within us more fully. For some it may be through meditation; for others it may be following a spiritual practice, a particular type of work or occupation; for still others it may come in the form of friendship or fellowship. When we start to follow what attracts us and do what gives us joy, the miracles unfold and we are brought to heights of awareness about what life can be about.
We can offer prayers of gratitude for this power. This helps us to share in the goodness and beauty of creation, knowing we are one with this power and not separate from it. The power of our being increases every time we take a step towards loving ourselves, honouring who we are and respecting the Source of life within us. Every time we honour our beauty and grace and our capacity for gentleness we place ourselves in the light. When we open to our feelings and tell the truth to ourselves about how life is for us at any particular moment, we increase our power and enhance our being. The Angel of Power challenges us at every turn to own our power and live our truth.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Complete Book of Tarot
Book Details
Complete Book of Tarot: … no sooner has the Princess made her appearance than the Prince wins her in marriage, and she is set upon the throne of her Mother. She thus awakens the Eld of the original old King; who thereupon becomes a young Knight, and so renews the cycle [ … ] It is impossible to harmonize the multitudinous fables or parables, because each was invented to emphasize some formula that was regarded as imperative to serve some local or temporal purpose.’ 43

Angel Books

Elements of the Psychic World: Legend also has it that goblins borrow horses from stables and ride them all night, leaving the horses exhausted by the morning. It is also said that they sometimes steal women and children and hide them away underground. If a goblin woman takes a liking to a human baby she may steal it away and replace it with a goblin baby, or changeling.

Angel Insights : Besides guardian angels, each human also has access to an endless amount of helper angels. Unlike guardian angels who stay with you throughout your life, helper angels usually come and go. They appear when a need arises, and then fly away when their job is finished.

  • Do get in touch if you need more information about The Angel of Power and we don’t have it. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for another angel reading!

Angel Insights : Angels are Spirit’s helpers, Spirit’s right-hand entities. Think of Spirit as a conductor, and angels are musicians in a divine orchestra. Every musician has a unique part to play, and the part of each guardian angel is crucial, enormous: to guide and protect a single human life.