26-Five of Questing Mage Tarot Meanings

Not looking for The Five of Questing Tarot Card Meanings Mage Deck? You will see a search option at the bottom of the page. We have many pages just to get you precisely where you want to go.

    The Five of Questing: Upright Meanings

    • Lawsuit Or Quarrel
    • Courage
    • Competition

    The Five of Questing: Reversed Meanings

    • New Opportunities
    • Harmony
    • Generosity

    The Mage Tarot The Five’s

    Fives in The Minor Arcana represent change and the need for change. The energy of Five changes the order of things for either good or bad. Unlike most other cards in tarot where the Upright aspect is deemed to be more positive, the Five changes this pattern by being more positive when Reversed. Five just has to be different, or difficult! When Upright, it can be rigid and narrow as it resists change or struggles with it. When Reversed it becomes all-embracing and accepting. However, because Reversed Cards can be extreme, the conflict of the Upright can become intense. Alas, due to Five’s overriding erratic nature, both the Upright and Reverse aspect can bring great extremes. The orientation of Five dictates the manner in which it deals with or approaches change. The change brought about by Five is often unexpected or chaotic.

    The Mage Tarot Suit of Questing

    The Suit of Questing is associated with primal energy, spirituality, inspiration, determination, strength, intuition, creativity, ambition and expansion, original thought and the seeds through which life springs forth. Wands deal with the spiritual level of consciousness and mirror what is important to you at the core of your being. Wands are also indicative of all things that you do during the day to keep you busy, be it working at the office, home or the great outdoors. Wands have to do with movement, action and initiatives and the launching of new ideas. They may be indicative of a never-ending ‘Ideas List’ or ‘To Do List’, whereby the client has many projects on the go to keep them busy. The negative aspects of the Suit of Wands include illusion, egotistical behaviour, impulsiveness, a lack of direction or purpose, or feeling meaningless.

    With deep rich colors, the overall look is dark at times, as the deck was originally set in a ‘ World of Darkness’. The Mage Tarot is a deck of destiny. Within its 78 cards lies a Path from sleep to Awakening. It symbols are the signposts which mark the journey of the soul through the World of Darkness into a realm of greater possibilities.

    Although this page is designed to be viewed individually when you search for Five of Questing Mage Tarot Meanings, you will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books to suggest to you. Please check them out.

    Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

    Complete Book of Tarot
    Book Details

    Complete Book of Tarot: To illustrate the storytelling technique, consider the following reading. It was done for a college student who asked about pursuing graduate studies in psychology, her university major. An advisor had cautioned her that the field of psychology was becoming increasingly competitive, and she was worried about obtaining an advanced degree for which there might be little demand in the future. We decided on a three-card spread; she drew the Five of Wands, the Seven of Pentacles, and the Page of Swords.

    Tarot Books Best Tarot Cards

    Creative Tarot: Let’s look for a minute at the Celtic Cross. It is the standard tarot spread; probably the one most in use around the world. The cards are arranged in two forms: a cross to the left, and a tower to the right. The cards in the cross illuminate a person’s motivations, what she is thinking and feeling, where she has been, and where she is going. The tower names the character with a card that represents the querent—the fancy tarot term for the person asking the question—directly and provides an ending to the story with the final outcome card.

    Complete Book of Tarot: A tarot enthusiast I know has collected more than a thousand different decks, and there are countless others on the market. Many tarot decks focus on a particular theme and appeal to a specific audience. For example, there is an Herbal Tarot for those interested in the healing properties of herbs, a Tarot of the Cat People that combines science fiction and fantasy, a Ghosts & Spirits Tarot for those interested in the supernatural, a Halloween Tarot that follows the adventures of a black cat on Halloween, not to mention a Jungian Tarot, a Housewives Tarot, a Kama Sutra Tarot (rated X), a Steampunk Tarot, a Zombie Tarot, and even a Quantum Tarot for people interested in modern physics. Whatever tickles your fancy, there is probably a tarot deck designed with you in mind.

    • Do get in touch if you looked for Five of Questing Mage Tarot Meanings and we don’t have it listed. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for more online tarot information!