22 The Lightbringer

No matter what god or higher power you believe in, we are all part of a collective consciousness, both in this world and the next. Whether your reading comes from tarot, angels or archetype cards we are delving into that collective consciousness. If you are present with a psychic or clairvoyant who has strong connections, you may be connected to individuals but more likely you will be communicating with part of this universal energy which connects us all. Much of the connection comes through our own energies and this is particularly true of online readings.

Upright Meanings: hopelessness, abuse, cheating, ill temper, ravage, dependency, powerlessness, obsession, disaster, violence, controversy, depression, downfall, unexpected failure, addiction, secrecy, mental health issues, bondage, materialism, sexuality

Reversed Meanings: revelation, enlightenment, detachment, recovery, overcoming addiction, reclaiming power, freedom, release, divorce, independence

The lightbringer visits when we feel there is no hope, that there is no resolution to the issue at hand. This can be the loss of a job, a partner, a block in our spiritual growth and often relates to depression. Let the lightbringer shine through and lift your spirits, the outcome may not be the one you were expecting. When reversed it often suggests a long standing issue which is so overwhelming that you cannot see past it. You should ask for guidance to see a bigger picture.

The angel associated with The Lightbringer is The Archangel Uriel

Belonging to the REALM: Heaven of Form , The Archangel Uriel is in the group known as Archangels.
ANGELIC FUNCTION: To bring us the light of the knowledge of God
GIFTS FOR THE EARTH: He can help us to acknowledge the Light within all people; find knowledge to help and to heal; interpret and decode our inner voice.

Uriel, whose name means ‘Light of God’, is the angel who brings humankind knowledge and understanding of the Divine. He is the most radiant of angels and has been depicted descending from heaven on a fiery chariot drawn by white horses.

He has been variously called the Flame of God, Angel of the Presence, and Angel of Salvation. He is also known as the Prince of Light and interpreter of prophecies. It was Uriel whom God sent to Noah to warn him of the deluge. The Bible also tells how Uriel descended into the Garden of Eden on a sunbeam and stood at its gate with a fiery sword. He is also the angel who watches over thunder and terror. As the Angel of Repentance he can help us to understand the laws of karma, which, put very simply, mean that we reap what we sow. Uriel also helps us understand how Divine mercy works and brings us awareness that we are all cherished by God’s love.

He is supposed to be the most sharp-sighted of all the angels. He is often represented with the flame of knowledge in his open hand, which mankind can draw upon for health and welfare. If this knowledge is abused then it is Uriel who delivers Divine retribution. Uriel helps us understand why all things are as they are. He helps us trust in the Divine plan so that when things appear to be going wrong we can know that ultimately they are for the highest good and greatest joy.

Uriel helps us interpret our inner voice and our dreams. He guides us towards understanding our essential nature and towards taking more responsibility for our lives. With his guidance we have the possibility of fulfilling our potential as creative spirits. Uriel helps us to find our inner light and to become as radiant as the sun when we express the fullness of the love and beauty within ourselves.

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Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Angel Insights
Book Details
Complete Book of Tarot: The offspring of a sculptor father and a midwife mother, Socrates developed what we now call the Socratic method of leading his students to wisdom. Instead of imparting information, Socrates asked penetrating questions that provoked his students to come up with their own answers. Following his mother’s lead, Socrates viewed himself as a midwife of the mind, opening passages through which the knowledge inherent in the human soul could emerge into the light of day. As we follow his lead in seeking wisdom, it is useful to record thoughts and reflections in a journal.

Angel Books

Complete Book of Tarot: Myths/Archetypes: The prophet Moses. Pontifex Maximus. Hierophant. High Priest. The deity’s spokesperson. The Holy of Holies (which housed the Ark of the Covenant and the Ten Commandments). Emily Post. The Wizard of Oz.

Angel Insights : No matter how an angel appears to you—in human form or in a divine state—angels tend to manifest in physical form to us at pivotal moments. Angels can materialize in life-and-death situations when you need assistance (an angel might save you from drowning or dying in a car wreck—sometimes in these cases you will not see the angel, only feel their hands pulling you to safety). Angels might show up at a crossroads in your career (an angel in human form might give you wise counsel and encourage you to pursue a certain path, or an angel with wings might appear as you are typing away on a book, signaling you have a potential career as an author). Angels may come around when you desperately need to know you are loved (an angel in human form might visit you like Clarence visited George Bailey and convince you that you are precious and important). Angels may offer their services when you require comfort or courage (an angel in human form might pray with you or hold your hand in a hospital waiting room).

  • Do get in touch if you need more information about The Lightbringer and we don’t have it. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for another angel reading!